Meet Bryce U’Ren Founder of Super Max and Bryce

It’s not often you meet a child who blows you away with their dedication, motivation, and drive! You are about to do so. Bryce is the winner of the prestigious Youth Volunteer of the Year Award from the Gold Coast Volunteer Awards 2021. Bryce has inspired many and yet still remains so very humble. His main objective is to not be able to provide his products anymore to the children being treated for cancer – simply because it would mean there is a cure.

Bryce’s charity – Super Max and Bryce are one of the panelists in the Study Gold Coast Student Volunteer Thank You Event taking place during National Volunteer Week 16 – 22 May 2022.

Meet Bryce and gain further insight into this incredibly gifted boy.

Since winning Youth Volunteer of the Year 2021, how has this assisted your charity?
Winning Youth Volunteer of the Year for the Gold Coast region has assisted me in terms of outreach for my charity. We’ve had people contact us about the charity that hadn’t heard about what we do for children in treatment for cancer prior to this award.

Has this opened any doors for your charity?
I have been invited to speak at the 2022 YLead ALTITUDE DAY event being held on the Gold Coast on May 26, 2022. This event is a multi-school Year 9 leadership day that empowers young leaders to unlock their potential and be aware of the impact and influence they have on the world around them. The YLead team anticipates approximately 200 Year 9 students will be at the event. I am really excited to have everyone there share “love through the stars” with superheroes in treatment for cancer.

What drives you to continue with your amazing Not-For-Profit?
I’m inspired to continue my charity project because of the joy and happiness it brings to superheroes in the treatment of cancer and their families.

Where would you like to see your charity in 5 years’ time?
I would love to see our charity not only continue to share love, hope, happiness, and comfort through gifts of Super Max the Turtle night lights and the star-covered and love-filled gifts we give to parents and carers but also to give a sizable donation to our partners at ANZCHOG for research on a cure for children’s cancer.

Who influences you on your journey and why?
I will always be greatly inspired to continue to do what I do because of the smiles on the superhero’s faces when they get their special turtle night light friends. I’m also inspired by the community around me because the people in it, through their amazing continued support, have made it possible for me and my family to do what we do every year.

To find out more visit Bryce’s charity:  Super Max and Bryce

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